Hopefully you understand that the information on this site is intended to make you want to immediately hire us. But, just in case the intent of the site is not clear:
- The information on this website is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Who would want a relationship as a result of a website (except for a dating website, such as OKCupid)? The contents of this site can be viewed by any person on the planet, so just reading it does not make us someone’s lawyer. Even if you contact us through the site or post a comment to our blog, that does not create an attorney-client relationship either. When you contact us about your case, we will clarify when an attorney-client relationship begins.
- Every case is different. But even though Portland Defender is well-known for getting “not guilty” verdicts in criminal cases, and very favorable victories for clients in civil cases, any result that Portland Defender has achieved on behalf of one client in one matter does not automatically mean that similar results can be obtained for other clients or in other matters.
- Please do not transmit information that you wish to keep confidential until we expressly agree that we have an attorney-client relationship with you. Conflicts of interest and other considerations could make this unwise.
- The law, just like the universe, is ever-changing; websites, books, and movies can become outdated quickly. We can’t guarantee to maintain the future accuracy of every word on the web, so don’t rely on the timeliness or accuracy of the information on the site.